New Beginnings

Lynette Burrus ChambersBlog2 Comments

Perhaps it isn’t until we are a bit older that we begin to realize that new beginnings are not necessarily a bad thing.

In the past five years, my husband and I moved four times, leaving behind family and friends we dearly loved each and every time.

Finally, this past October, almost one year ago now, we settled in my tiny hometown of Evening Shade, Arkansas, where I grew up so many years ago.  It has been a bit of an adjustment to find our balance with living in the country after so many years in the fast lane, but we have come to appreciate it very much.

It has been a joy to reconnect with friends from my school days.  I am especially grateful to be close with family members we only saw on occasion before.  We are also only about nine hours from our children and grandchildren, where before it was about eighteen hours to drive to their home.  And Jim’s family are only a few hours from us in Missouri and Oklahoma.  It was a good decision to move and to have a new beginning.

This past year has been a time of healing, both  emotionally and spiritually, and of writing; of growing closer and deeper to my Savior than ever before.  I am finding a peace in my soul that brings greater depth to my ideas and thoughts.

If, for you, like for me, change is sometimes difficult, I encourage you to hold on.  It will get better.  I, personally, often face new beginnings with trepidation and a sense of uncertainty.  And yet, I know that His ways are perfect, and He truly does direct my path.

It is amazing to me how the Lord makes all things good in His time.

Currently, I am working on my fourth novel written with my sister, Janice – the third in the Rainbow Trilogy.  Once that is done we hope to move right into working on Dancing in the Dark ~ the fantasy novel started some time back.

I am also working on my own very first novel, which hopefully will soon be published under my name.  It is titled He Turned My Mourning into Joy, and is a modern day story of love found in the midst of heartache and loss.  In addition, I am working on another novel that will be called The Redemption of Emmaline Grace; set in a small Kentucky town, it is a story of a girl who has been forced into a life of prostitution, and finds love with a young minister in the early 1900’s.  Also, in the works are a couple of children’s books featuring my Grandcat Milo who grew up on a farm in Nebraska.  There a few other ideas that are fermenting but those can wait for another day.  I can hardly wait to share all of these stories with my readers as time goes by!

I am grateful for the opportunity and time to write to my heart’s content.  I am thankful for a husband who is a wonderful provider and encourages me in my writing every day.

Thank you for joining me today and for taking a moment to read my blog!  May your heart be encouraged.

He is the Lord of new beginnings!


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